Design a kid’s book

The Naughty Bus bookWrite a story for a young child (perhaps a child you know?)

Think about who the main character is – maybe it can be an adventure of a toy somewhere?

Write the story and draw a storyboard to plan how your book will look.

Take photos or create graphics for the pages.

Use the vector editor in to alter your text to make it more fun.

Use software to create your book and get an online version of your book that can put onto a website or blog.  You could even buy your book to get a copy you can read to any young children you know.

Learn to code

Make your New Year’s resolution learning to code.  Sign up on Code Year to get a new interactive programming lesson sent to you each week and you’ll be building apps and web sites before you know it.

Code Year uses Codecademy.  Codecademy helps you learn Javascript, HTML and CSS and earn badges and points along the way!

Plan a film

Plan out a random film:

Now that you have some elements for your film, write the plot for your film.  Try to write the script and storyboard a scene from your random film.

Finished Jumpman? Try a different game!

Have you finished your Jumpman game?  Have you tried tweaking how many points you get at the start or tried making Jumpman jump higher?

If so, then why not try to use the skills and code you’ve learned with Jumpman to make a different game?

Instead of jumpman skateboarding he could be scuba-diving and avoiding sharks….

…Or Jumpman could be in a plane avoiding storm clouds…

…Or a hot air balloon avoiding pointy flying objects…

…or a tank avoiding mines…

…or something else completely different!