Digital Media Computing
Resources for teaching the NPAs and NCs
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A bit of fun…
A lot of bottle!
A new revolution in beauty: Fotoshop by Adobe
Assessing Animation
Authors wanted…
Avatar Generators
Aviary image masking
Blogs and still images
Blurs and whooshes
Brad Jolie and Angelina Pitt
Camera lessons
Codecademy and HTML
Codecademy and HTML
Cool text
Create a computer game character
Create a film character
Create a poster
Create a soundtrack
Curvy trees
Design a kid’s book
Design a level
Design a Scratch game with a controller
Design Theory
DMC + CS = Media Computation
Drag and Drop in Flash
Dragon bones challenge
Email mystery…
Email mystery… clues!
Exploring the web
Finished and bored???
Finished Jumpman? Try a different game!
Flash! Ah-ha!
Flashy videos and sound
Flipping the classroom
Games promotion – DVD box art
Games promotions
Games promotions
Games promotions – posters
Games reviews
Giant toys
Glew Blogs
Going somewhere new with Flickr
HTML: the language of the world wide web
Image mapping
Image masks and layers
Internet Research
Learn to code
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!
Little Brother
More Codecademy
More games promotions work
O Christmas Tree!
Online Communications
Peppa site finished
Photography and text tricks
Photos Then and Now
Plan a film
Planning the year and reflecting on last year
QR code graffiti
QR codenames
Roll over, roll over
S3 Achievements so far this year
S5/6 DMC
Shark attack!
Sound resources
The Eddies are back!
The Invisible Woman disappears!
Things you need to know in HTML
Toy photo stories
Toy Photography
Travelling Gallery
Web Arcade
Web revision theory
Website Design with Peppa Pig
You know when you’ve been Warhol’d
Zombies and squished bunnies
Category Archives:
What the S3 DMC class have been learning about and doing
Avatar Generators
More Codecademy
Aviary image masking
Codecademy and HTML
Travelling Gallery
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